Saturday, August 1, 2009

Billy Alvaro is a crook

Billy Alvaro, is supposed to be this guy that helps everyone in New York get into wealth debt free. well if you see him in is Florida life he is a poor excuse for a landlord that is a back stabbing no good new yorker i have not met one of his renters that is happy with him being the landlord he never fixes anything and if he does you pay for it. He does not understand anything that goes on there. He then ripped you off when you leave like me for instance He got my wife and I for 17000 that he said the we owed because we broke are lease because of these hard times we had to move to a cheaper newer property so that are rent was lower and the bills were lower (due to horrible windows at Billy's place) but the thing is that are total amount that was due yearly was only 15000 and when we left in April we gave him 2 months rent and are secrety deposit so was basically 3 months rent. and now we have a debt for $17,000 and he reported this to are credit to make it dam near impossible to get a h0me for are family in the future. So ya if you think that he is the super nice guy that helps people get out of debt he is not. He is a devil out to make family suffer so he can get rich quick.. thanks for reading.